Friday, June 12, 2009

Hello again me, it's me.

Wow. So it's been quite a while since I've updated this thing. I guess it's easy to let it slide when there's not too many people really reading,(Christina, you're probably the only one! <3), but this is something I wanted to do for myself, sooo, I'm back.

Things here at home have been good. Nick and I are doing really well, trying to move past everything that's happened over the last year. Jillian and I completed our very first year of homeschooling, and it was a success!! It was fun, exciting, hard, stressful,CRAZY,wonderful, tiring. . . at times I thought my head might explode if I didn't get five minutes to myself, but in the end it worked out well, and I really feel like it's the right choice for us at this time. We're still going to take it year by year, but as far as first grade goes, we're going to give it another whirl.

So lately we've just been hanging out, enjoying some free time, going to the beach when the weather is nice.We also spend a lot of time in thrift stores finding things for the house that we can purchase and then bring home and revamp. Jillian is developing quite an eye for design, and will often point something out to me and say "mom, this will look really cool if we bring it home and spray paint it pink. we should buy it.". I love her so much. <3 <3 <3 <3

Nick and I are still making sure to make time to spend alone together. Yesterday was a lovely day. He got out of work early and he and Jillian and I went to a nearby pond to feed the ducks and swans and take some pictures. Here are a few snaps from the day:


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So overall things have been good. I can't complain. we are in a better pace than we were last year at this time, and that's something. Life is good.

1 comment:

Christina said...

Yes, I do still check in sometimes! I'm not blogging anymore but I love keeping up with you and others this way.

I think it's awesome that you're having so much success homeschooling. She is a very lucky kid!