Since getting back from Atlantic City we've mostly just been hanging out and relaxing. Our schedule, like everyone else's, gets hectic in the fall, so I've been trying to take advantage of the last couple of weeks of freedom, before all the running around starts again.
Tomorrow is our first "official" day of homeschooling. we are both really excited. And then over the course of the next couple of weeks all of the classes start. Dance, science class, nature explorers,Sunday school, ice skating, soccer. Oh my.
I'm really excited about the new season of tv starting up. I plan to watch:
- Grey's Anatomy
- Dirty sexy money
- Private Practice
- Deal or no Deal
- 90210
- America's Next Top Model
and I also want to give Pushing Daisies and Lipstick Jungle a try. Not to metion all of the wonderfully mind numbing mtv reality shows that I so love. Yes, I'm addicted to tv too.
I finally found a book club that I think I really love. I went with my friend Stacy on Friday night to cafe atlantique in Milford, and we met two of the other women from the book club. I had a really great time. I got to be out of the house, drink wine, talk to adults for hours without interuption. Heavenly. And stacy and I split a blt panini and a chocolate banana crepe. Foods that don't really fit into my weight watchers plan, but totally worth it. Speaking of weight watchers, ,my last weigh in was on Friday afternoon, and I am down 51.4 pounds! Yay me. I'm excited. It is kind of scary to think that I've lost that much weight and am still fat, but, I guess there's nothing I can do about that. I have to just keep thinking forward. I am starting to see my high cheek bones, which, if you didn't know me prior to the last five years or so you would never even know I had. That's a good sign, right??